A final post of pictures from Gold Rush Days in Minnesota. Here are a few more ideas on how to incorporate found items into your home decorating.

So this is a little rustic with its dents and electric elements. It was actually some type of electric cooker, but the top and the front open to some nice storage space. I wouldn't keep this white, but I'd paint it a fun accent color and use it in a 50's inspired kitchen or a space with lots of other vintage items. Maybe storage for a bathroom in a split-level house. This isn't a piece that could just go anywhere.

Take these former door handles from this......

...to this.......

....to this towel holder for a powder room. No one else will have one.

Someone already put some work into these vintage lockers. They've been painted and a top has been added. Sometimes you find them in more rustic condition. This set of lockers could go in a child's room or an entryway or mudroom, either on a shelf or hung on a wall where extra storage is needed. Like the white electric appliance above, I wouldn't put this just anywhere. You want to enhance and make your home interesting, but you don't want your rooms to look junk heavy.